6 Easy Steps to Framing an Arch
Framing an arch is shockingly simple
Do you have a flair for the dramatic? If so, an arch might be exactly what you need to create that look in your home. It’s fast, easy and inexpensive. What could be better? Although it is easy, we can’t just fast forward to the time when you’re sitting in front of a finished arched entryway admiring your work (sorry). You’ve got to start by framing the arch.
Framing an arch the right way means making precise cuts. This will ensure that your end product is completely seamless and beautiful. Okay, let’s get started. Don’t worry; framing an arch is probably easier than you think. Here’s how it’s done in 6 easy steps:

- Measure the width of your opening to the nearest quarter inch. Take note of the measurement. Easy so far, right? Well, you’re well on your way to framing an arch.
- Measure and mark the center of the header. Do this by measuring the entire header, dividing that number by two and making a mark at the halfway point. This is simple stuff right here. You’re with me so far, right?
- Okay, now it’s time to measure and mark the rise. The rise measures how far the arch drops down. So, it goes from the arches’ apex (which will be the exact center that you just measured) to the point where your arch will end. If you’re installing a half-circle rise, the process is very simple. Just divide the width of the opening by two. You probably remember doing this when you placed your order, so this shouldn’t be a new number. Just find the exact rise you gave us to create your arch, and then measure and mark it on your wall. Now that everything is marked, framing an arch gets easier.
- If your opening is deeper than a 2x6 wall, you’ll need to separate your arch kit into two pieces. One will line up with the front of your opening and the other will line up with the back.
- Align each mitered half of arch to the rise mark you just made on the stud. Attach the arch to the stud with your nail gun. It’s that easy. You’re almost done framing an arch.
- Now, nail the square-cut half of the arch onto the header. Okay, that’s it. You are now a pro at framing an arch. Congratulations.
You see, we told you framing an arch wasn’t hard! Now you’re ready to drywall your arch and get this project finished. We look forward to working with you on designing the perfect arch for your home, and if you have any questions, call us. We’re here to help. Better get to it!