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Ceiling Ideas to Get You Pumped for Summer Entertaining

Time to get ready for those summer parties and hangouts! Add some flare to your home design by creating beautiful ceilings that will set the ambiance for your grand parties. Plus, they just look cool!

Summer Ceiling Ideas

After a painfully long winter and a seemingly-short spring, most of us don't need much of a push to be excited for summer. But those pool parties and barbecues do require a lot of work and planning, and then there's the house that needs work, so there's that. Sometimes we all get in a rut and don't want to think about what's on our to-do list. But do you know when work seems effortless? When you have a fantastic goal in mind! Here are some awesome ceiling ideas that will get you pumped to get everything done in time for summer entertaining.

1. Brush Up the Media Room

So you've been planning this really awesome pool party for about a year; the day comes, and what happens? Oh, yeah. Mother Nature was upset that she didn't her invite and decided to crash the party... with a vengeance. You could postpone, but everyone has such busy schedules. Instead, consider taking things inside. Maybe screen a hot new movie in your newly-redesigned media room. Check out this celestial dome ceiling for some inspiration. The only problem you'll have here is that people may not want to stop looking up long enough to see the movie.


2. Focus on the Gathering Space

You can plan a party inside, outside or upside down (although, you may have some logistical issues with the last one). People will still gravitate towards the kitchen. It's just the way it goes. Unless you make the house completely off limits, people will enter to use the lavatory and linger to chat in the kitchen. Why not give them a reason to stick around? This faux-finished groin vaulted ceiling creates a nice contrast to the rest of the room with its copper-like appearance and accent lighting. Take a look at the picture below, and then imagine the room without the decorative ceiling. It would seem incomplete, right? Now, think about what your kitchen looks like. Is is complete?

cross vault

3. Wow Them with a Formal Space

Whether you're having an indoor dinner party or an outdoor barbecue, if you're having people over, it's an opportunity to show off your home's finest accents. These dining room designs may just inspire you to create something worthy of showing off at your next summer party. The first is a barrel ceiling accented with a complementary color to the rest of the room and an unusual yet elegant chandelier that casts interesting shadows into the barrel above.

barrel vaulted ceiling

The next formal dining room shows what can be done with just a little creativity. Neutrals, metallics and primary colors all play nicely together to create a stunning look that is polished off with a simple cove ceiling. The cove ceiling is simple to install, but as you can see here, it can make a major impact in the room. This particular cove is finished off with contrasting crown molding to draw people's attention upward.

Coved Ceilings

You'd be surprised to learn how easy and inexpensive each of these ceilings is to install. Our prefabricated kits make it easy to design and install your own custom designed ceiling.>
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